Mommy Help Center
Debbie Gillespie, IBCLC, Registered Lactation Consultant
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant #L-20078
(Highest credential offered in the lactation support field)
After 21 years of helping families meet their infant feeding goals, Debbie is taking some time off and not accepting new clients at this time. Existing or repeat clients are welcome to call, text, or email me.
(480) 786-0431 Prefer email? Debbie@EVLactation.com
Here are some other IBCLCs in my area you may call (in alphabetical order):
Arizona Breastfeeding Center (480) 442-8491
Emily Barnes (480) 528-5891
Trine Bradshaw (480) 242-5588
Tatiana Daughtrey (602) 743-8062
Heather Evans (480) 351-0149
Michelle Hottya (480) 420-8567
Michaela Zach (480) 406-7413
Recent Clients
One meeting with Debbie and I had answers to so many problems. She fitted me for correct pump flanges which dramatically increased my pumping volume, recommended more effective herbal supplements, and referred me to a doctor for babies posterior tongue tie. Three weeks later and baby is almost exclusively breastfed. Breastfeeding is something I wanted desperately and with Debbie's help I am able to do it. I give her my highest recommendation and heartfelt thanks. If you are struggling with breastfeeding in any way call Debbie. She can help.
Time and time again Debbie reminds me that I am doing a great job mothering and my daughter is lucky to have me. I have had many friends try and for various reasons not have success with breastfeeding. For their future children I will encourage them to reach out to Debbie. She will help you in any way she can. She is so passionate about what she does and it make you passionate about it as well. She responds to my emails very fast sometimes within an hour after I have sent it. This is huge for me. It shows that my daughter and I are important to her.

Special thanks to my amazingly talented high school classmate, Abigail Engstrand, for allowing me to feature her beautiful watercolor painting.
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for all the help and support you have given me the last few months with getting my twins to nurse. Both babies are fully to the breast and I love it, my twins love it, and the rest of my family loves that mommy is happy and has a little more time to spend with them. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You have been incredible and so generous with the resources and information you have gained over the years. You are truly making a huge difference and I am beyond grateful for you and your knowledge!!
"I just wanted to check in and thank you again for all your help getting my little lady and me off to a great start back in August. We have made it 6mo without bottles and pacis (so different from my exclusive pumping days!). Breastfeeding is so important to me and I could not have been this successful without your help :) "
"Debbie Gillespie saved my breastfeeding relationship with my son. As a first time mother I was terrified to find out how hard breastfeeding could be. Why is it so hard? It's the natural thing to do, right? I called Debbie and she came to my home. We got down to the bottom of the issue. She noticed my son had both a tongue and lip tie and referred me to a fantastic pediatrician to have it handled. I have now been successfully feeding my son for 10 months now. Debbie is wonderful and I tell everyone I know about her!!"
Our twins are six now and I still consider you a hero!
Debbie is beyond amazing and I probably wouldn't have been able to breastfeed this time around without her. Having had three children successfully nurse I was hesitant to seek outside help when my twins were born and were having an extremely difficult time nursing. At four months I brought my twins in and was honestly saturated with breastfeeding information that I had never known. She helped me latch, noticed tongue ties on both babies, and helped me do a fitting for my pump which all made a world of difference. Within two weeks of seeing her, we had the babies' tongue ties clipped and, with the wealth of information she gave me, we were able to go from trying to latch once a day and only pumping/bottles to only breastfeeding!!! I LOVE DEBBIE!!!
"I am a new mom with 3 weeks old struggling with producing more breastmilk. Every day, I was feeding more and more formula and less breastmilk. Feeding formula was easy. I had given up the hope that I could ever produce more breastmilk as it was never enough for the little one. I met with Debbie at my home. She was so informational. I got all my questions answered without even asking. Not a single second was wasted. It was so good to hear that I am capable of producing more breastmilk. She taught me comfortable positions to breastfeed which I am so thankful for and got my hopes up. Now my no.1 priority is to increase my breastmilk supply and today little one breastfed for 30 mins and didn't need formula. All thanks to Debbie."
Debbie was an amazing help/support to my daughter and I. She spend so much quality time helping us with our latching issues! She continues to be available by email for the many questions I continue to have. I couldn't have asked for a better resource or a more caring person! I am so lucky to have found her, she has helped me thoroughly enjoy my breastfeeding relationship with my daughter!
We just passed the one year mark for breastfeeding and it would never have happened without you. Baby was extremely juandice (hospitalized for 5 days) and dehydrated, non-nutritive suckling, tongue and lip tied. I do not respond well to the pump and was given incorrect advice from hospital LCS for pump flange sizes which magnified my difficulties.
Debbie saved my supply and got baby to breast. It took 8 weeks of barely hanging on to my milk and a few months of supplementing. But, now baby only gets food and momma's milk.
I am so eternally grateful to you. I am tearing up writing this. Breastfeeding has been the most magical and precious experience. I never really liked my breasts much but when baby sees them she looks so delighted. I love my breasts now. We are still going strong!
Thank you Debbie, you helped change my life by helping me bond with my baby the way I always dreamed.
Breastfeeding is going GREAT over here. I can't thank you enough for your help. You have changed our lives!! Thank you for all you have done for us!
I just wanted to check in and thank you again for all your help getting my little lady and me off to a great start back in August. We have made it 6mo without bottles and pacis (so different from my exclusive pumping days!). Breastfeeding is so important to me and I could not have been this successful without your help :)
I just wanted to check in and thank you again for all your help getting my little lady and me off to a great start back in August. We have made it 6mo without bottles and pacis (so different from my exclusive pumping days!). Breastfeeding is so important to me and I could not have been this successful without your help :)
Thank you so much for all your help. I am finally encouraged and it feels like it is paying off. I hope you feel rewarded for all the good that you do in helping us moms. God bless you.
"Debbie was amazing. I used her over a year ago when she came to my home and helped me learn to nurse my son. She was able to identify my son's tongue tie instantly, which brought me great relief in knowing why my son was not latching. She gave wonderful tips on breastfeeding and pumping, and she continued to check in on me and my son after he had his tongue tie corrected. I highly recommend her."