Mommy Help Center
Debbie Gillespie, IBCLC, Registered Lactation Consultant
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant #L-20078
(Highest credential offered in the lactation support field)
After 21 years of helping families meet their infant feeding goals, Debbie is taking some time off and not accepting new clients at this time. Existing or repeat clients are welcome to call, text, or email me.
(480) 786-0431 Prefer email? Debbie@EVLactation.com
Here are some other IBCLCs in my area you may call (in alphabetical order):
Arizona Breastfeeding Center (480) 442-8491
Emily Barnes (480) 528-5891
Trine Bradshaw (480) 242-5588
Tatiana Daughtrey (602) 743-8062
Heather Evans (480) 351-0149
Michelle Hottya (480) 420-8567
Michaela Zach (480) 406-7413
No need to go this alone.
Whether you're struggling as a new mother or you already breastfed many babies without a hitch, sometimes you just need a little help. I provide nurturing supportive help in the comfort and privacy of your own home. The cost is typically covered by your health insurance with no co-pay or deductible. Be sure to click on the Insurance Info button above to learn how to take full advantage of your insurance benefits.

Who am I?
I've been there, done that, got the soggy stained T-shirt! I've had the scorching nipples and dreaded the next feeding. I breastfed through flat nipples, nipple shields, crazy engorgement, oversupply, colicky baby, undiagnosed tongue tie and lip tie, countless plugged ducts, repeated mastitis, bottle refusal, food allergies, and contemplated weaning every. single. day.
Let me help you! I've been exclusively helping families with breastfeeding for the past 20 years and maintain the highest accreditation in the lactation field, re-certifying every five years. Along with thousands of continuing education credits, here are a few of my credentials:
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant since 2005
Member of the International Lactation Consultants Association since 2005
Member of the United States Lactation Consultants Association since its creation in 2013
Member of the Central Arizona Lactation Consultants Association since 2005
Librarian/Information Technology Specialist 2006-2014
Member of the Arizona Breastfeeding Coalition since 2006
Secretary 2006-2008
Treasurer 2014-2016
Member of the United States Breastfeeding Committee
Active La Leche League Leader 1998-2013
Group treasurer 1998-2001
Assistant Coordinator of Leader Accreditation, 1999-2004
Fully insured through CM&F Group
"Debbie was so incredibly helpful to me, my son, and our breastfeeding needs. I cannot say enough positive things about her. Not only did she help us the first month with a latch problem (which ended up being something as simple as positioning), but she was so helpful and knowledgeable with so many other subjects as well.
"Being a first time mom, it was so helpful to have someone to turn to for help. I wanted to be successful in breastfeeding with my son and was afraid it wasn't going to work out until I contacted her. Now we've been going strong for 12 months."
"Without her help, I believe I would have given up and quit breastfeeding my son, and I'm so glad I didn't allow that to happen."
Ciji and Cooper
You need my help if:
You want to know if you're "doing it right"
You heard about tongue and lip tie and suspect...
Your nipples are sore
Your baby is not latching comfortably
Your baby is not latching at all
Your baby is not gaining weight well
Your baby is fussy at or away from the breast
You don't think your baby is getting enough milk
You're concerned about milk supply
Your pediatrician recommended it
You've experienced plugged ducts and/or mastitis
You're dreading the next feeding
You need help with learning to use your breast pump
Pumping hurts or you're not getting results
You're planning to return to work or school
- Your baby was born early, either premature or even "near term"
Adoptive or surrogate breastfeeding or chestfeeding
Special situations: PCOS, Breastfeeding after breast surgery
You want a better breastfeeding experience this time
Breastfeeding challenges may come along later:
Food sensitivities
Pump struggles related to working
Breastfeeding rejection
Bottle rejection
Teething challenges
Latent low milk supply